Our School Services
School curriculum PE
We can create bespoke PE solutions to meet the diverse and specific needs of your school. Our expertise ranges from developing ABC's, physical literacy & sport specific coaching.
PPA teaching to support school PE lessons
Sport specific sessions
Cross-curricular lessons linking PE with core subjects
Intra & Inter school competitions
PE assessment support
Behaviour mentoring
Before, during & after school clubs
Our extra-curricular programme enables you to build an all-round sporting calendar to engage & motivate your pupils.
Breakfast clubs
Lunchtime clubs
Lunchtime behaviour mentoring
Lunchtime staff training/pupil training
After school clubs - tailored to your needs
Daily mile
Gifted & Talented clubs
Staff training & CPD days
Our staff training can enhance what and your staff can achieve with a wide range of teacher support services that we offer.
This can be achieved through staff CPD inset days, or teaching & training with PE lessons and a variety of bespoke training plans to suit the needs of your school.